Thursday, December 30, 2010

Damn Murphy!!!

Murphy seems to have it in for me.....first one of my dogs get hit by a car, now the other one has to go in for an expensive operation that I really cannot afford but HAVE to do. My Granny is in hospital,and my daytime job is causing severe stress and anxiety, I really don't enjoy it.
I do not get time to take photos and the frustration it causes me is unbearable. I feel irritated and annoyed by everything.
Perhaps when the clock strikes 12 on the night of 31st, things will just swing magically into place.( I wish!)
May my new year and everybody else's new year carry brighter and better things to their lives.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Family Time

Tomorrow the kids are coming home! With the "miss you dearly" and "how many presents are there?" I know  they are very excited. Damien picked up chickenpox, and proudly told me how he hasn't scratched hiimself once yet. Although he does beleive that he is changing into a I cannot wait!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas.....come and gone.

So Christmas came and went, and as I get older I realise that my children make my Chrismas. I missed them this year, but I am sure they had the best day. The sound of their voices and the jokes they made over the phone made it as clear as daylight.

What does X-Mas mean to me?Is it the special magic in the family moments? Is it the childhood memories that withstands the test of time? Perhaps, but I know what I want for Christmas every year.
I want the satisfaction that the rare moments of unconditional love that people feel towards each other will become more constant. I want to know that every person out there knows what it feels like to be loved like that and more importantly what it feels like to love others like that. is to a Very Merry Christmas to the whole world, may your joy be evelasting, and the magic of love flourish around you.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

No Puppy....but I got lights!

Searching for a new puppy is harder than it looks.....finding lights for my photography no easier. After searching for a week, eventually I found the lights that fit my budget and that would work for me.

With no puppy and no inspiration, I tried valiantly to apply the lighting techniques that I have learned so far and dispite the subject matter being ordinary, I was happy to see that my skills were improving with regard to lighting.

Here is what worked:

To get the black background:
The distance between the camera and the subject needs to be at least 3 times the distance between the subject and the lighting. The Lighting needs to be directed at the subject without illuminating the background.
If the background still seems a bit grey or not quite black, just enhance the background with image editing software.

I never realised how much space between the camera and the subject and the lighting can impact your photography. It was great to accomplish an effect that I love, even though I did not have much to work with.

So....... Day 2 seemed to have worked out better than expected......inspiration can come from many places, and even without inspiration, the drive and goals you try to obtain will lead you to success.
After day 2 I feel drained and exhausted, but in a good way. Heartache and the sence of loss has dissipated somewhat, and as much as I would love my photography to have a positive impact on others, I am amazed once again at the positive impact it has on me.

Perhaps others might enjoy my photogrophy too, feel free to visit Erica Eaton Photography to see if it does.
If you like what you see, sign my guestbook and let me know. Become a member for free and share the magic of photography with me.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

My Journey....a photographer's story.

Erica Eaton Photography
I've decided that I am going to record my photographic journey on a regular basis. Perhaps to see how my life and the losses and gains that I experience affect my creative skills.

So here we go with day 1:

23 December 2010
What a year! Looking back I miss the magic moments that passed my by, and I relive the ones that didn't. I chastise myself for the oppertunities that I overlooked and now I know: My future and success depends on me, myself and I. As the year comes to a close I start planning for the work lying ahead of me. I have my first promotional venue portfolio to do in mid January and my nerves are shattered. This is it....this is my oppertunity to either make it or break it. I am in dire need of inspiration, mine got hit by a car and left me feeling empty and lost. Goodbye Cheeky my Baby.....You were my heart, and a fantastic mommy, Thank you for the joy and happyness you brought me, I love you
Perhaps with the start of the new year......a new beginning. A shift in priorities and goals might change the powerlessness that I am feeling at the moment. Hitting a creative blank is no is depressing. And even my happy-go-lucky medication is not really affective at the moment.
I am loathe to express the desolation that I feel, through my photography. My photography should be uplifting and happy. It should show all the great emotions that mankind can until I found my inspiration again (or got a new puppy), .....I will drift through the other joys in my life......OH YEAH!!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The ups and downs of inspiration

I find that I go through moments where I just cannot see the photo....I cannot decide what the perfect subject matter is and the challenge is equally frustrating and thrilling.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Great Monthly photography competitions, assignments and sharing oppertunity for all kinds of photographers.
Join today...its free!!

Bluehope Photography

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Some Samples

Amateur Photography

Photography is a passion, it is something you live, and breathe. I've recently discovered my love of photography and have found that since then, I look at the whole world as if through the lense of a camera.

I cannot help but look at every object from 10 different angles, looking at the lighting, picturing everything I see as if it has been layed out on a photograph.


Maybe it is wierd, but what the heck.......I could be good, I could be terrible at photography, at least I express myself through what I do.

I've found some exceptional photographers, go check it out and enjoy their talent.

Also check out my site, leave a comment, sign the guestbook and even join if you'd like.